The Student Machine Shop is a primary resource for ENGR-1300-Engineering Processes class. In addition to class support the shop is an open project shop. The shop supervisor and staff in the JEC Student Machine Shop will teach you the basics of machine tool operation and welding metals and thermoplastics.
In addition to the classes the shop is used to fabricate a variety of academic projects. Examples include:
- Building prototypes for class projects
- Offer guidance for fabricating equipment for Masters and Doctorate class projects
- Student club project fabrication
Jonsson Engineering Center (JEC) 1010
- Haas TL 1 CNC Lathe
- Acer 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine
- Laguna Swift 4’x4’ CNC Router
- Thunder Mars90 100w laser Cutter
- Snap-on Sandblaster
- General Machining and Fabrication Equipment
- Metal and Plastic Forming and Shearing Equipment
- Steel and Plastic Welding Equipment
Hours of Operation
Open Shop Hours:
Wed 5-8 PM and Fri 4-7 PM
Daytime shop hours are open to all students on a limited basis due to ENGR-1300 Engineering Processes Classes. Engineering Processes students have first priority on the equipment. However, if space or equipment is not being used for class purposes, all students are welcome to use the equipment on a first-come, first-served basis.
NOTE: Evening and weekend hours are subject to change. Check announcement board outside shop for changes.
Using the Shop : What You Need to Know
All students must:
- comply with the Engineering Processes – Student Shop Laboratory Manual
- follow the Standard Lab Safety Sheet
- take the Standard Lab Safety quiz each semester
- sign in at the door (card swipe with studentID)
- wear approved safety glasses while in our facilities
- clean up whatever mess you create
- no storing of projects
- follow instructions of whom ever is in charge or you will be asked to leave
Important: All projects must be in compliance with state and federal law. Due to insurance considerations, we can not allow the modification or fabrication of pressure vessels.
John Szczesniak - Shop Supervisor x 6551 e-mail szczej@rpi.edu
Sam Chiappone - Director of Manufacturing Innovation x8295 e-mail chiaps@rpi.edu