To make donations to the MILL, you can find the MILL Giving Page here.

Lab and Related Undergraduate Courses are Focused on Educating the Next Generation of Manufacturing Innovators
Focused on educating the next generation of manufacturing leaders and innovators, the MILL builds upon the many successes of its predecessor, the award-winning Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory (AML), established in 1980.
Located in the George M. Low Center for Industrial Innovation, the MILL is a forward-looking manufacturing learning environment. Leveraging instructor expertise and industry-grade equipment in the MILL, students taking Manufacturing Processes and Systems I and II can practice and master manufacturing processes. In these classes, students undergo the same design, process engineering, technical documentation, and rapid prototyping used in industrial environments and development teams.
Several student teams using the MILL and it's predecessor, AML, have won or placed high in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Design and Manufacturing Competition held at the ASME annual conference. Manufacturing Processes and Systems II Invisibell -Bike Bell Team captured third palace at the ASME Student Design and Manufacturing Competition in 2017.
“Advanced manufacturing is accelerating the translation of American innovations in science and technology into new products and processes, and helping create jobs across all technology sectors. The Manufacturing Innovation and Learning Laboratory positions Rensselaer and its graduates to make significant contributions at the leading edge of this dynamic field.,” said Shekhar Garde, Ph.D., Dean of Engineering.
Looking forward, the MILL will be an important foundation for infusing digital simulation and data analysis with hands-on manufacturing experience into the Rensselaer undergraduate engineering curriculum and graduate student experience. Using software including Mastercam, Molflow, Octopuz, and Altair, students taking MPS are able to digitally simulate their manufacturing and assembly processes before building a manufacturing prototype system to produce various products. By learning through linking simulation to physical manufacturing systems, students learn to efficiently manage a manufacturing system. This experience prepares students for successful careers in industry.
“Not just anyone can get a job at a leading high-tech manufacturing company. To succeed, thrive, and become a leader at these companies, you need to know the ins and outs of how to make stuff quickly, smartly, and competitively. This is precisely what Rensselaer teaches undergraduate students in the MILL,” said Sam Chiappone, Director of Manufacturing Innovation in the Rensselaer School of Engineering.
The MILL and MPS Classes are sponsored by several industrial partners including Allendale Machinery – Haas Factory Outlet, BD, Boeing, Gene Haas Foundation, Hanwha Aerospace, Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC), LoDolce Machine Co., Lutron, Mainstream Engineering, Mastercam, Nexeo Plastics, NSH, Putnam Precision, RBC Bearings, Inc., Re:Build Manufacturing DAPR Engineering LLC, Sandvik, Sikorsky, Snap-on, Specialty Silicone Products (SSP), Turbo Machined Products, Universal Robots, and Visual Knowledge Share (VKS).
Graduating seniors who studied in the MILL have secured manufacturing-related jobs at Apple, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, RBC Bearings, Sikorsky, and many other top-tier employers. The evolution of the MILL into the digital simulation and VR space stands to make Rensselaer students even more prepared and more attractive to leading international manufacturing and technology companies.
The MILL is an important cornerstone of the overall advanced manufacturing enterprise at Rensselaer.
George M. Low Center for Industrial Innovation (CII) Room 1027
- Haas VF 2SS – 5 Axis CNC Milling Machine
- Haas OM-2 CNC Milling Machine
- Thunder Laser Nova 35 100W Laser
- Adept Cobra 800 SCARA Robot
- Flexlink Conveyor System
- Universal Robot UR10e
- Fanuc LR Mate, with Vision, Robot Educational Training System
- Stratasys 3D Printer
- B-9 Creator Stereolithography Printer
- Phenix Direct Metal Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printer
- Brown and Sharpe Gage 2000 CMM
- Faro Platinum Inspection Arm
- Arburg Allrounder 270c Injection Molder
- Arburg Allrounder 221k Injection Molder
- Formech 660 Vacuum Former
- Flow Mach2 Abrasive Water-Jet Cutter
- Sonitek S840 Ultrasonic Welder
- Sonitek TS500 Thermal Press
- Branson Ultrasonic Welder 2000 D
- Branson Ultrasonic Welder 2000 DT
- Mitutoyo CNC Coordinate Measurement Machine
- General Machining Equipment
Sam Chiappone, Director Manufacturing Innovation, SoE
Larry Oligny, Senior Academic Support Engineer, SoE
Maddie Dwyer, Academic Support Engineer, SoE
Related Links
- Allendale Haas Factory Outlet
- BD
- Boeing
- Gene Haas Foundation
- Hanwha Aerospace USA
- Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC)
- LoDolce Machine Co.
- Lutron
- Mainstream Engineering
- Mastercam
- Nexeo Plastics
- NSH USA Corporation
- Putnam Precision
- RBC Bearings
- Re:Build Manufacturing DAPR Engineering LLC
- Sandvik
- Sikorsky - Lockheed Martin
- Snap-on
- Specialty Silicone Products (SSP)
- Turbo Machined Products
- Universal Robots (UR)
- Visual Knowledge Share (VKS)